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New H.O.P.E Housing
Here at New H.O.P.E Housing, Our residents live in a safe, clean, and dignified home.
Ruby PropertySenior Co-ed Property | Ruby PropertyLiving Room | Ruby PropertyBathroom |
Ruby PropertyBedroom I | Ruby PropertyBedroom II | Ruby PropertyBedroom III |
Ruby PropertyLiving Room | Ruby PropertyKitchen | Ruby PropertyOutdoor Seating |
Ruby PropertyLiving Room | Ruby PropertyDining Room | Topaz- Male HomeOrlando FL |
Topaz (Property 1)Living room | TopazKitchen | TopazRoom 1 |
TopazRoom 2 | Alexandrite - Female HomeOrlando FL | Alexandrite (property 2)Living room |
Alexandrite (property 2)Kitchen | AlexandriteBathroom | AlexandriteBedroom 3 |
AlexandriteBedroom 1 | AlexandriteBedroom 2 | Jade- female HomeOrlando, FL |
JadeOutdoor Seating | Jade (Property 3)Kitchen | Jade (property 3)Bedroom 1 |
JadeBedroom 2 | JadeBathroom 1 |
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